Mobile Community

The event is fully booked,
you can sign up for the waiting list below

all booked
7:00 pm
Garage IT office in King David Residence

Mobile Community

How to level up your skills and have a great time? Come to the Coffee&Code and The Comuna community meeting hosted by GarageIT, where developers can dive into unique cases, network with others, enjoy some pizza and more. Don’t miss it!

Danya XO

Danya XO

Founder at

What are bug bounty and crowdsourced testing platforms, and why do we need them?
Ilimdar Abliaev

Ilimdar Abliaev

Senior software engineer at ecom company

Mobile DevOps: How I quit coding UI and became a YAML engineer

📌 The event will be conducted in Russian. Spots are limited—make sure to register on our website.

For any questions, feel free to reach out to Marius Malyshev via telegram:@mariusae

See you at Garage IT! 🚀